New Brand - FAUX/real

New Yorker design duo Louis DeCicco and Mari Ouchi, former fashion stylist/editor are making more than jewelry and objects. They are making pieces that you can think and talk about, utilizing unexpected materials transformed into pieces with a surprising grace and vision. The brand FAUX/real are challenging people's eyes and mind through their work with a very thoughtful touch and a twist of humor.


FAUX/real - Rubber and Gold Plated Mentos Bracelet, 145 CHF


FAUX/real - Midnight Shampo Bangle, Black/Gold, 195 CHF


FAUX/real - Rubber and Gold plated Infinity Checkout Bracelet, 245 CHF


FAUX/real - Rubber and Gold Plated Mentos Bracelet, 145 CHF

Lorenz Isler
